Joining The Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance (CAHMA) can be done online via this website, and involves submitting an online application form (with payment), and then sending us copies/scans of your relevant qualifications.

Our Criteria

Members of CAHMA are professional traditional acupuncturists who have normally completed a 3,600 hour, degree level training in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation. They already have, or commit to, post graduate learning and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the areas of TCM practice. They are often called TCM practitioners who gained sufficient proper training on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China or in the UK and provide relevant therapies including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tuina therapeutic message, Cupping and Moxibustion etc.

Professional Requirement:

To be accepted as members of CAHMA Practitioners need to submit certificates of university degree or diploma of the relevant training, and evidence of continuous and good conduct practice in TCM, or a proof of previous membership of the  Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK (ATCM) or equivalent TCM associations.

Apply to Join

Annual member subscriptions cost £100.00 for the first year, and £80.00 for subsequent years (annual renewals are due on July 1st).

Your member listing on our website will become live once everything has been received by our membership secretary and your application has been approved, normally within 48 hours. PLEASE CLICK HERE to Register.