CAHMA members are kept updated with a regular Newsletter, together with offers of Continuing Professional Development (CPD):
2024-11-16 CAHMA Conference 2024 Part 1
2024-11-16 CAHMA Conference 2024 Part 2
2024-11-16 CAHMA Conference 2024 Part 3
2024-04-11 江丹教授:多囊卵巢与多囊卵巢综合征的辨识与中医药的诊治
Professor Jiang Dan: Identification of polycystic ovary and polycystic ovary syndrome and diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine
2024-03-21 张亚雄医生讲座“以胃胀痛反酸为例,简介针灸微创技术对内科疾病的治疗”
Dr. Zhang Yaxiong’s lecture “Taking gastric bloating and acid reflux as an example, introducing the minimally invasive acupuncture technology for the treatment of internal diseases”
European Neuro-Acupuncture Conference 2024
CAHMA is honoured to be one of the co-organizers of the 2nd European Neuro-Acupuncture Conference with the organizer AMI (Acupuncture Medical Institute Italy) in Italy. You are welcome to join us in Siena, 9th – 12th May 2024.
2024-02-14 叶柳忠:寻真疗法 第2讲
Ye Liuzhong: Truth-Seeking Therapy Lecture 2
2023-12-04 叶柳忠:寻真疗法
Ye Liuzhong: Truth-Seeking Therapy
2023-11-12 韩永刚:五运六气解读辅行决公开课
Han Yonggang: Open class on the interpretation of the five movements and six qi
20th August 2023 – 袁旭泽讲座:骨盆的轻手法整复
Lecture by Yuan Xuze: Light manipulation of the pelvis
17th June 2023 – 祝跃平讲座:再谈古中医山医命相卜五术的临床应用
Lecture by Zhu Yueping: Re-discussion on the clinical application of the five fortune-telling techniques of ancient Chinese medicine
11th May 2023 – FREE Seminar – Optimising Cardiometabolic Health
There is such a thing as “free lunch!!” Pharma Nord have some free spaces for BAF / CAHMA Members on the following:
York Seminar – Optimising Cardiometabolic Health – 11th May at the York Medical Society (23 Stonegate ,York, YO1 8AW)
They are offering 10 free spaces, standard price being £34.95, with lunch and refreshments included.
Registration begins at 9:30am, seminar begins at 10am and will conclude at 4pm – with breaks in between. Please email with your CAHMA Membership Number by the end of Monday 8th May to secure your spot. First come, first served. Feel free to get in touch with any questions.
16th April 2023 – 王有钧:灵素医学体系的再认识
Wang Youjun: Re-understanding of Lingsu Medical System
Blood Donation – Exciting News! – Friday 3rd March 2023
BAF collaboration have done it again!
BAF are delighted to share important news about the Blood Transfusion Service and Acupuncture As many of you know there has been a long battle back and forth with the regard to patients of non-statutory practitioners requiring a four-month gap after acupuncture to enable them to give blood. In 2019, Tony Dickenson from the British Acupuncture Federation managed to gain agreement in principle from the Blood Transfusion Service to remove the four-month gap. Since then, we have been providing evidence and working with other stakeholders of the Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) to gain exemption. Chris Davies has submitted our specialist evidence from six sources together with our Office for National Statistic (ONS) position in the healthcare professional group, which has managed to secure a new final agreement.
The Current Position
Only acupuncturists who are defined as healthcare professionals, i.e., are regulated by a statutory body such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), can be included on the list of practitioners who are exempt from the four-month wait. However, based on our evidence, our new ONS status and legal consultation, we now have an agreement from the oversight group to allow inclusion of acupuncturists from the BAF on the list of qualified practitioners who can carry out acupuncture on blood donors without incurring a deferral period.
What is the Next Stage
This is a huge landmark change in the UK and yet another change in legislation never accomplished before, however we still have some work to do. Our next stage is a further consultation with the health departments across the four nations and the approval of the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). The BAF are now involved with this final stage as well as working with the key healthcare departments of the NHS to help facilitate this change as easily as possible. As usual we have not only arranged this to be possible for the BAF groups but also for other acupuncture associations. We obviously will keep all practitioners and groups updated.
What Does this Mean for me and my Patients
This does not mean that BAF registrants are exempt today, but for the first time we have the agreements we have been fighting for and unless there is a sudden issue or unknown problem this should allow BAF registrants future exemption.
CAHMA Annual Conference – Monday 21st November 2022
We gladly invite you to be part of the Chinese Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Alliance (CAHMA) Annual Conference. This academic conference will be co-hosted by the CAHMA and London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture (LACA) in central London.
Our Speakers:
- Liuzhong Ye: Meridian palpation acupuncture for breast conditions
- Guy Caplan: Internal and External Dragons in five elements acupuncture
- Tianjun Wang: Scalp acupuncture for MS
- Jun She: Six meridian method and sleep disorder
- Songyan Chen: Yuanli needle therapy for pain
- Phoebus Tian: Wu Yun Liu Qi year Yun and acupuncture
Location: Holiday Inn London – Bloomsbury, Coram St, London WC1N 1HT
Contact: Phoebus Tian Email:
Fees: Early bird before 20th October £120 for non-members, £60 for CAHMA members
From 21st October: £80 for non-members, £140 for CAHMA members
Payment to: Account name CAHMN, Sort code: 04 06 05, Account No: 17446700
Get ready to be inspired.
2022-09-23 – 王山:Stellarium 在中医经典研究的应用与探讨 (Password Protected)
2022-08-27 – 湖区游学讲座 – Lake District Study Tour Lecture (Password Protected)
2022-08-27 – PRESS RELEASE – A Statement on the Acupuncture Accident Report
The news yesterday, Ellen White suffered punctured lung during acupuncture, has generated public concern even panic about the safety of acupuncture. We’d like to express our concern to public.
As acupuncture professional bodies and education institutions, we are very sorry to hear this accident of the suffering of Ellen, although it was not made by our students or members.
Acupuncture has originated from China over 2000 years and spread worldwide for its effectiveness on a great number of conditions and generic safety. As a therapy of pierce the skin, and sometime deeper in some certain areas, the safe practice of acupuncture is always a key issue of acupuncture education and practice. We are continuing training our students and reminder members with particular emphasis on needling safety.
In addition, the issue has also arisen the need of national statute regulation of acupuncture profession to protect public health and safety. There are some acupuncture training courses only need a couple of months even weeks of part-time learning, how can ensure its safety and effectiveness.
- Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance UK (CAHMA)
- Chinese Medicine Alliance UK (CAM)
- London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture UK (LACA)
- Anglia Academy of Chinese Medicine UK (AACM)
2022-06-01 王天俊讲座
Wang Tianjun Lecture
1st June 2022 – 丝路使者Paul 英国中医联盟CAHMA
26th January 2022 – 祝跃平教授讲座天时地利人和命理断健康
24th January 2022 – CAHMA Promotional Video